My kids went to Disneyland this past weekend and this is their favorite picture
I am thankful for Dove dark chocolates and believe the creators should win a Nobel Peace Prize. I know that eating those have given many, many idiots one more (no matter how underserving) chance at life.
I am thankful that there are people on this earth who think I am funny. I’d rather make people laugh than cry. Seriously…once they start weeping, it’s really really hard to get a laugh.
I am thankful for basset hounds. It doesn’t matter how bad a day you have, one look at a basset hound’s face and you forget your troubles. That’s because they look so guilty you have to go and check the garbage or catbox. And then your anger pretty much cancels everything else out.
I am thankful for the wonderful, funny women who write, read and comment on this blog – you guys crack me up. YOU GUYS ROCK!
Oh yeah, and I’m thankful for my kids, Mr. Assassin and stuff.
Happy Thanksgiving My Friends!
The Assassin