I guess it’s fitting that in the Fall, plants die. And while I expected the demise of Al, the Space Plant (may he rest in peace), I certainly didn’t expect my cactus, Bob, the Succulent (isn’t that fun to say?) to die as well. This is par for the course. People who know me also know that I cannot keep plants alive. Apparently I have a quota on the living things thing. One husband, two kids, two dogs, two cats, two guinea pigs and 24 Girl Scouts are all I’m allowed.
There was a time in my life, when to discourage my friends from giving me plants, I kept a hanging something by the sink in the kitchen. It died, because that’s what plants do in my presence. Even though it had plenty of light and access to water (being next to the sink and all). I kept that dead plant for two years to remind myself not to take on any more. People thought I was a psychopath, but it worked.
Imagine my surprise to find Bob lying on his side, life eaking from his prickly body. I killed a cactus. I may be the only person on earth who can kill something that can survive in Hell-like conditions. I wonder what that says about me?
I guess the Summer of Plant Weirdness is finally over. All I have to look forward to next year is seeing what strange things come up in the Spring. Personally, I can’t wait.
The Plant Assasin