So, on one of our daily rants to each other about who should die and who should be our slaves, Deadly DeLeon mentions she’d like a ski mask. Of course, I offer immediately to knit one for her and ask her what color she’d like. She tells me turquoise is her favorite color. Go figure. I saw her as a “fairy princess pink” chick. Oh well.
I can’t just knit ANY old ski mask. This has to be special. After all, there has to be a reason to own a wool ski mask when you live in Texas.
So I find this pattern online. It’s called Bokaclava and was designed by a knitter who fancied some gargoyle or demon on Dr. Who, named Bok. (Subversive knitters rock.)
It’s almost done. That’s me modeling the main part of it while knitting one of the pointed ears. Once the ears are on I can add the horns and do a little tweaking, then wet it down and block it to make it perfect. I just have to make sure the dye stops wearing off so Jana won’t look like a smurf after wearing it…
I’m leaving it to Deadly DeLeon to model the finished project on this very blog. (Hint – you should encourage her to do this.)
Why am I telling you? Because;
1) I’m kinda proud of myself. This was a bitch of a pattern (Jana is so worth it);
2) So you can get the hell out of her way if you see her wearing this, walking down the street with an uzi (in which case you must take pictures and send them to me).
Next project, a Henry Rollins doll for a Todd’s birthday in November. After that, who knows?
The Assassin