Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Okay. The call. A fascinating story – at least to me.
As some of you may know, I met my editor at a conference and she’d asked me to send the first three chapters of ‘SCUSE ME WHILE I KILL THIS GUY, which was originally titled DEATH IN THE FAMILY (lame title when you compare it to ‘SCUSE ME, but there you go). I overnighted the chapters and the very, next day, I got an e-mail from Leah asking for the whole ms! She had DEATH IN THE FAMILY in the subject line, which sounded like I’d had, well, a death in the family, and wondering how my future publisher would know that. Then I thought that was real service, notifying prospective authors of the death of family.
Anyway, I spent four days writing like a madwoman with Tourettes Syndrome (it was pretty educational for the kids) – polishing the thing up and I sent it out the day before my husband and I were leaving for L.A. for a bodyguard convention. (Sounds like fun, don’t it? It was.)
We got back on Monday and the very next day, Tuesday, I was still tired because, well, I may have had a little too much fun. I’d changed into an old t-shirt and shorts and prepared to take a little nap at 2pm. I’d just laid down when the phone rang and I saw DORCHESTER on the caller ID.
Needless to say, I jumped out of bed and answered the phone. My husband was in the doorway and froze when he heard my voice. Leah offered to buy the book! We agreed to talk the next day about the particulars.
Tom had two bottles of Moet & Chandon White Star out and open in the backyard. We had sparkling grape juice for the kids – of course, and just sat outside, drinking champagne while I called everyone I knew – starting of course with Mom.
I’m sure my neighbors thought I was nuts screaming drunkenly into the phone for two hours. Oh well.
The best part is that same day I got an e-mail from an agent, turning the book down, saying, “Gin Bombay is unlikeable and no publisher will ever buy the book.”
And the rest, is history…