I’ve convinced myself of two things;
1) Exercise would undo all the inspiration that comes from my muses; Hershey, Hostess (I could kill for a Ding Dong right about now), Dove, Ben and of course – Jerry;
2) Taking a break from writing to, say, walk around the block, would interrupt my train of thought. Sure, I’d have great legs, but I’ll never get back those ten minutes of complete artistic frustration now would I?
Therefore, I’ve determined it’s in my best interest to avoid exercise and eat more chocolate (especially when frustrated – which happens a lot, actually). I’m going to remove the fascist shackles of diet and exercise and embrace my chocolate martinis one…by one…by one. I will join the dark (chocolate) side and sell my soul for 10,000 more words (and a gooey cinnamon roll).
I guess it’s pretty obvious I’m on a deadline right now…huh? Until my blood sugar returns to normal,.